The Jewish Soul: Classics of Yiddish Cinema - American Matchmaker

Directed by Joseph Seiden, Aleksander Ford, Edgar G. Ulmer, Maurice Schwartz, Max Nosseck, and Michal Wasczyński
Year: 1935
Country: U.S., Poland
Language: Hebrew, Yiddish, English

“Nice young man” and Mama’s boy Leo Fuchs (“the Yiddish Fred Astaire”) can’t get himself married (eight broken engagements), so he becomes a schadchen — matchmaker. Ulmer’s third and final Yiddish movie.

“A deliciously assorted showcase.”
- George Robinson, The New York Jewish Week
“Sure to provoke spirited debate, an essential form of nourishment for the Jewish soul.”
- The Forward
"The most heavily atmospheric and 'artistic' of the Yiddish talkies."
- J. Hoberman on THE DYBBUK in Bridge of Light
"The authentic version of Fiddler on the Roof."
- Allen Lewis Rickman on TEVYA
"Precious and haunting."
- Times of Israel on MIR KUMEN ON
"Think of it as a superior prequel to The Exorcist."
- Time Out on THE DYBBUK
"Arguably the best Yiddish-language film ever made."
- George Robinson on THE DYBBUK in Cine-Journal

Avrom Morewski
Leo Fuchs
Moyshe Oyster
Maurice Schwartz
Maurice Krohner
Chaim Tauber
Max Badin
Charlotte Goldstein
Michael Rosenberg
Esther Field
Seymour Rechzeit
Fannie Levenstein
Miriam Riselle
Florence Weiss
Judith Abarbanel
Esta Salzman
Ajzyk Samberg

Directed by Joseph Seiden, Aleksander Ford, Edgar G. Ulmer, Maurice Schwartz, Max Nosseck and Michal Wasczyński