
Directed by Mariano Biasin
Year: 2022
Country: Argentina
Language: Spanish with English subtitles

SUBLIME is a thoughtful and tender handling of a teen’s emerging sexuality. Shy 16-year-old Manuel (Martín Miller) comes alive when he, his best friend Felipe (Teo Inama Chiabrando) and other buddies form a garage rock band. The two boys, friends since childhood, have a close, easy relationship made even more intense with the band and their music making. Strains develop for Manuel when his best mate starts dating a girl. Manuel also begins to date a female classmate, yet all the while suppressing his nascent sexual feelings for Felipe. Confused, and fearful that his feelings are not mutual, he retreats into himself, eventually lashing out which forces him to confront his feeling head on. A sensitive feature debut with this sweet, queer, coming-of-age drama.

"An innocent gay-indie sweetness courses through this film...and the young cast’s naturalistic performances make it all feel lived-in and truthful."

“Sublime seems to have no agenda other than to tell the story of a teen boy whose first real crush is on his best friend. And that it does exceptionally well, with nuanced performances, naturalistic cinematography and direction, and a script that fleshes out its two lead characters with subtlety and affection…a film that will resonate with viewers of many ages open to an earnest, compelling, and affecting treatment of a young boy’s first love.”

SUBLIME knits an authentic, sensitive, and relatable character-driven story revolving around the complexities of adolescence. Its honest portrayal of young love, the hurdles of self-discovery, and societal expectations make it essential viewing for those who appreciate films that stimulate thought and tug at the heartstrings.

Jason Miller
Teo Inama Chiabrando
Azul Mazzeo
Joaquin Arana

Directed by Mariano Biasin